Monday, 25 February 2013

What underpins the Microsoft Application Platform?

The Microsoft Application Platform (MAP) is a technology stack used for the development and deployment of high end enterprise level business applications. It provides for both on-premise, cloud and hybrid based deployments.

MAP is based on the following layers:
·         Windows Server provides for the Infrastructure Layer and includes support for the core functionality needed by any application such as security, virtualisation and networking. Windows Azure provides the same for cloud based deployments

·         SQL Server provides the Database Layer and includes support for transactional database programming and data warehousing. SQL Azure provides for cloud deployments

·         The Application Services Layer provides a fully functional middle tier and includes facilities such as message handing, work flow, state management and caching. This layer is covered by Microsoft .NET, Windows Server AppFabric and Microsoft BizTalk Server. For the cloud it is covered by Windows Azure Platform AppFabric

·         The top layer is the Application Layer which encompasses a number of line-of-business applications from the Microsoft Dynamics suite and in particular Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Exchange. For the cloud there is Office 365 for Exchange and SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

In addition to the application layers there are supporting tools including Visual Studio for developers and Microsoft System Centre for system administrators to help monitor and manage the infrastructure, particularly relevant net with on-premise and hybrid deployments.
Note that SQL Server is used to provide the data layer for all of the key components of MAP including BizTalk, SharePoint, CRM and any custom components.

MAP is not just designed to support deployment of fixed packaged applications. One of its unique properties is that it provides the core functionality for custom applications without requiring development from scratch. For example:
·         SharePoint can be customised by:
o   Developing Web Parts that add new functionality to the web pages
o   Workflows can be developed to manage the handing of documents and other content
o   Event Receivers can add special processing when data changes
o   Developing new page layouts that control how pages are edited in the content management system

·         Microsoft CRM also has a programming interface that supports the development of custom:
o   Data entities
o   Screens
o   Reports

·         BizTalk and .NET are development environments and so directly support customisation

·         Exchange also supports customisation through its Web Service and Message Filter facilities and the ability to change the appearance of Outlook Web Access
An example of how an enterprise system in the electricity industry has been developed using the Microsoft Application Platform is covered below. This is of course based on a real example:
·         An Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) file of type D0300 arrives at an electricity supplier. The file is of type D0300 which is the format for “Disputed or Missing Readings on Change of Supplier”

·         BizTalk server:
o   Picks up the incoming messages and converts the EDI format into XML format
o   Executes a BizTalk Orchestration workflow that takes the XML message and carries out validations on the readings and meters it contains and updates state of the reading in the SQL Server database
o   Issues outgoing EDI messages to other market participants on the state of the disputed reads
o   Makes web service calls to the line-of-business CRM system to update the state of the customer account associated with the disputed read

·         Call Centre staff login to a SharePoint Portal and access the Disputed Reads page
o   This page contains a custom .NET Web part that accesses the disputed read tables in SQL Server via an Web Service calls to an Orchestration in BizTalk and allows the operator to raise new disputed reads and manage existing ones 

The above demonstrates the power of MAP. Windows provides the infrastructure. SQL Server provides the data platform. SharePoint provides the portal with authentication and security to manage permissions and BizTalk provides the message handling and workflow capabilities.
A full- blown enterprise level system with the minimal custom code.